A Semi Autonomous Robot for Stripping Paint from Large Vessels

By Bill Ross, John Bares, Chris Fromme

Carnegie Mellon University

Stripping coatings and corrosion from large ships has become a serious problem.  Consider that a typical super tanker has over 30,000m2 of exterior hull surface that must be stripped or swept (a partial stripping of loose coatings) at least once every five years.  More...

Effects of Waterjet Cleaning on Surface and Preparation

By Lydia M. Frenzel, PhD

This extraordinary picture of a single water drop shows why researchers say a 100-micron diameter water droplet appears to hit the surface as a 5-10 micron particle.   On the contrary, a 100-micron solid abrasive (4 mil, 100 mesh) cannot physically get into a hole less than 100-micron diameter.  So that pit, or crack remains uncleaned...   More...

Posted with permission of Lydia Frenzel, PhD  Advisory Council

Comparision Study

Comparison of Secondary Surface Preparation over Waterjetted Surfaces and Effects on Coating Performance

By Wayne McGaulley, William Shepperson, Fred Berry

The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of coatings over smooth water jetted surfaces (on a macro level) compared to the performance of surfaces with a measurable anchor tooth profile achieved by secondary mechanical surface preparation methods.  More...

Posted with permission of the authors

Flash Rusting:  Characterization and Effect on Coating Performance

Compared to the industry standard of abrasive blasting, waterjetting eliminates hazardous airborne pollutants, airborne dust that can damage or foul shipboard mechanical systems, and abrasive cleanup and disposal.  In addition, the technology allows adjacent work by other trades.  More...

Posted with permission of the JPCL, Similar articles are available online at paintsquare.com

Removal by Grit or by UHP Waterjetting

By Lydia M. Frenzel, PhD

In Mid May 2008, I got two separate inquiries about "How much metal will UHP waterjetting remove compared to dry blasting?"  In each case, the owner was looking at corroded areas and didn't have a protocol or specification for UHP waterjetting for corrosion removal. More...

Posted with permission of Lydia Frenzel, PhD  Advisory Council


 SSCP - the society for protective coatings   NACE International - the corrosion society
Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Waterjetting

Click to view PDF


 Hydroblasting Standards

Hydroblasting is a technique for cleaning surfaces which relies entirely on the energy of water striking a surface to achieve its cleaning effect.  Abrasives are NOT used in hydroblasting systems.  Consequently the problems caused by dust pollution and by the disposal of spent abrasives are eliminated.  Two different hydroblasting operating pressures are commonly encountered.  More...

Posted with permission of International Marine Coatings


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Using Water is the cleanest media for preparing a surface for paint.

White Papers and Articles provided here discuss the features and benefits of using ultra-high water pressure for coatings removal on steel prior to painting.

Grit Blasted Surface

Pits and crevices evident from abrasive cleaning on magnified metal surface.  Rust products can be hidden in these metal folds preventing proper coating adhesion of the substrate.

Waterjet Technology for the Marine and Industrial environments

Water Blasted Surface

Same magnification metal surface using UHP waterjet cleaning.  The substrate is without crevices and the surface is clean and ready for paint.